Ways to Calm your Monkey Mind ..

I have so many clients tell me of their overactive mind and according to the Zen Buddhists this is called the Monkey Mind. No matter how hard they try to quiet down that mind, they cant seem to close it off. Those monkeys are jumping around and chattering all the time.

Thoughts have a way of running away and the brain really is in charge. We have no ownership over our thoughts because then our emotions become involved.. This affects our mood, with feelings of unhappiness, anger , restlessness and anxiousness.

Taming these monkeys has positive results and can give you so much in return :

  • Focus on the present and have clarity

  • improve your sleep

  • increase your happiness and joy

  • allow your sense of calm to be present


    1/ Know that you can tame your mind

    2/ Talking to your monkey mind to calm and allow that space - allowing a time and date to focus on what your thinking about instead of the mind in full swing.

    3/ Reassure and allow that compassion to be present when things are over worrying you.

    4/ Action plans for dealing with your past- when there is resentment or anger.

    5/ Journaling your thoughts

    6/ Meditate - each morning or evening (or both) to create that pathway in your brain that allows the pauses from thoughts.

    7/ ABC technique :

  • A is for Activating event (something happens)

  • B is for Beliefs (brain interprets based on your beliefs)

  • C is for consequences- feeling the emotions.

    Question the beliefs … Become curious …and then let it go…

    8/ Attend to your 5 senses

  • Touch / Taste/ Smell/ Sight and Sounds.

    9/ Recite a mantra - interrupt your thoughts by saying a mantra such as :

    Peace/ Calm / Breathe

    9/ MInd back to the Present - each time you notice your mind becoming busy , bring it back to the present- Counting/ Breathing/Senses.

    10/ Breathing deeply - 4 x 4 Breaths

  • Inhale and hold for 4 counts

  • Hold for 4

  • Exhale for 4 counts

  • Hold again 4

  • Repeat .

Hoping this helps you in some way and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need to know more.


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